The „New Mikołajki” investment
One of Inter Commerce’s biggest achievements is the creation of the fundament of Mikołajki and initiating the city’s development. Within the framework of the „New Mikołajki” project, Inter Commerce, towards the end of the 90s, planned the extensive development of Mikołajki.
As a result, different building complexes were constructed, which to this day are the main and most photographed place in the Pearl of Masuria.
The company was the first to notice the potential of this tiny, poorly developed town and convinced the city’s authorities of the time to our vision, becoming a strategic investor.
When looking at today’s Mikołajki, it becomes clear are significant and meaningful the 1999 objectives of the „Strategy of economic development of the city and municipality of Mikołajki” were:
„We believe that Inter Commerce’s investment as a “developmental race forward” is the right and prospectively justified choice. Otherwise, Mikołajki would have most probably become a place of random and haphazard business activities in the realm of tourism, which in consequence would have led to the degradation of resources and would attract more and more random socially and ecologically burdensome clients”, as well as “An especially important function in the creation of the city’s function as a tourist and recreational centre will be performed by the execution of IC’s [Inter Commerce’s] investment plans, simultaneously influencing the almost complete change of Mikołajki’s current image, in the economic aspect as well as in the sociological aspect”
By virtue of Inter Commerce’s „New Mikołajki” investment, the engagement of immense personal and organisational resources, as well as multi-million funds, the buildings which are nowadays inseparably associated with Mikołajki were created.
Inter Commerce created the core of the city, its showpieces, having value recognised across all of Europe – the building and restaurant “Sielawa”, Mikołajki’s amphitheatre, the commercial and residential buildings “Pasaż”, “Bulwar”, “Wieża”, “Kamienica”, as well as the sailing village of Mikołajki.
We can conclude with pride that Inter Commerce’s vision from the late 90s that „Mikołajki will become a dream” has come true!